Sunday, December 30, 2018

Joining Loom Woven Panels Together, Vertically

Weaving on a loom creates a ‘line by line’ row of selected beads, designing a graphic or image. But it is also necessary to consider the threads, i.e., types, weights, tension and how the thread (weft) lays, during the weaving process.

In this adaptation, “Creating a wider woven panel by zipping two together, vertically.”, it is necessary to consider how the weft is posed, during the weaving process.

Progressing row by row, the weft lays differently on each edge, of each row.

No matter if you are left handed or right handed, the weft ‘progresses’ to the next row of weave and lays diagonal around the outer warp. This is a progression which will be consistent the entire same edge, as the weft is loaded with beads, then placed to weave the next design row, in line. (Shown Right)

The ‘return weave’ is the time your weft is brought up over the opposite outer warp and run back through the same row. This forces the weft to ‘wrap around’ the outer warp, creating a small thread turn. (Shown Right)

Thread turns, (weft around the outer warps), are necessary to consider for a seamless vertical panel connection. Keep this in mind, as you read further details below.

When designing your large bead woven tapestry, cut the total design picture in half. Weave each panel, (considering a further important tip below), so when completed, the two halves will meet with the ‘return weft’ side recreating the entire tapestry design. (Continue reading before you begin designing these two panels.)
To accomplish this proper arrangement, it will be necessary to weave one of the panels “backwards”, or mirror the one panel design. When woven and removed, from the loom, flip the ‘mirrored’ panel over, to realize the total correct pattern.

Depending on whether you weave right handed or left handed, the right or left panel will be mirrored. Right hand weavers recreate the right panel “mirrored”. Left hand weavers, vice-versa.

Noticing the weaving process up close again, it is obvious there is only one warp running between each two beads woven. Therefore, this also must be considered when matching up two panels, recreating one total design. If two panels are matched up directly, after removal from the loom, there will be a definite line of ‘two warps’ running together where the panels match up. This ‘double warp’ line is very obvious and not consistent with the overall weave.

To eliminate the double warp, during the match-up process, design your pattern to add a bead while matching up the two panels. This additional bead will also be part of your final design, but obviously missing during the weaving process. The extra added bead, will eliminate two warps being side-by-side and also be used to absorb the ‘weft return thread’, along both warp edges.

Securely match up the panels, adding the bead to complete the design. While sewing, be sure to only return through each row “above” the existing end warp. Doing so forces the added bead to lay on the same plain as the woven beads. It will also be necessary to sew again on the ‘back’ of the two panels, above the warp on the back. You have now recreated the same weft number and angle, on this added bead, as you did with the rows you originally wove: Two wefts running inside each bead, one above the warp, one below. (Read further to consider the thread turns, while adding this bead.)

Following row by row, while securing the added bead and the two panels, it is very important to consider your thread turns. Turns can be very obvious, if not fully considered.

One way to hide them is to stagger their placement between each row. (Notice the green arcs in the picture on the left.)

Another way to consider these thread turns is to make them in areas similar to the color thread you will be using to secure the panels. If using a white thread, consider turning in areas of white beads. If using a darker thread, consider turning in areas of darker beads. Also, consider to stagger these turns as well.

There are many reasons to consider the weft turns, either to connect panels, or add an ‘off the edge’ design to any cuff or pendant. The weft turns are also important to consider for weaving particular beads and threads. (Much more to discuss!)

Therefore, realize ‘all’ supplies, for weaving on the loom, and how they play out in your final weave, not just the beads being woven.