Thursday, January 27, 2011

Loomed Needle Case!

Now all of the stages, I have been sharing, are complete!

I like to use a wine cork, to secure my scissors from damage. To make this a complete set, I am thinking about beading around the cork! If I do, I'll be sure to share the set.


  1. I do the same with all my sharp tools like scissors or awls. Beading around the cork would be such a fun idea. The needlecase turned out great.

  2. Maravilloso, espectacular, esto es fascinante....

  3. As usual I remain without words...grrrr. you're so good at looming!!!!

    Good Idea the cork cover and the usuful purpose!!!!

  4. Thanks everyone!
    Chiara, I am hoping that my posts, in this Blog, will inspire you to pick up the loom. If you have any questions, I can go over the answers, here to help you, using pictures if possible!
