Monday, September 10, 2012

Fun, Easy Earrings!

I have found some time to also create a pair of matching earrings, which can be worn with the side of my beaded bag depicting Ray Lewis, "A Baltimore Raven"!

The idea of cabochon earrings can be carried out with any photo or picture. These are nothing more than a simple bead bezel around a glass cab and backed with some card stock. They are very light, even though the thought of using glass cabs would sound heavy. I used 25mm x 18mm cabs. The foot ball dangle is custom made with clay, hand painted and wrapped with sterling wire.

Tonight, is the first home game of the season, so I am finalizing some touches on the beaded bag. I'll share photos, in stages to complete, when I get them all arranged, in a day or two. I am excited to share how fun and easy this bag was to complete. Maybe I can draw some inspiration for others to attempt something similar! :)


  1. These earrings are so amazing. Love those football beads, great work as always!

  2. Fun, fun, fun! The attention to detail raises these way above the "easy" category - superb.
