Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Super Bowl of Cuffs, and
a BeadTool4 Suggestion!

I guess everyone 'Baltimore Ravens' will be in the 47th Super Bowl extravaganza, this February 3rd. Therefore, I decided to make myself a cuff, for the game. Even with so much else going on, in the looming front, around me, I thought I should make something, for myself!

The picture above, shows a small part, of what I have in mind. I'll be sharing a bit more, in hopes to offer some insight as to how I design such intricate cuffs.

This started off as a drawing of an oval, on a 15 degree angle. Adding that illustration to BeadTool4, I created the Ravens head behind it. My first attempt to make a proportional football, was a desaster. But, by changing up the 'actual bead height/width', in the BT4 Program, I was able to create the perfect shaped football. I find a 'height of (8)' and a 'width of (10)' weaves up, on the loom, to be a perfect circle. Making any other form, from that, with these same dimensions, you can create the perfect shape, in 11/0 Delica beads. I am sure many know how to change this up, but just in case, I'll share.

NOTE: The following suggestions are for weaving 11/0 Delicas only.
To change the bead height and width, in BT4, [for 11/0 Delicas], click on 'OPTIONS' in your menue under 'VIEW'. Open the 'Pattern' tab. Scroll down to 'Appearance'. Notice the options of numbers you can use, from the drop down box to the right of 'Bead width' and 'Bead hieight' (in pixels). I have my numbers at 'width (8)' and 'height (10)'. I keep this same, two number spread ratio, for any pattern I create in BT4. You can change the numbers, so more beads will be visible, in your screen graph, by changing these numbers, but I would suggest keeping the ratio of (2) apart, the same. I also set my 'Thread' width at 'zero', but if you want to work with thicker warps, consider changing this too.

If you get a chance, create a perfect circle pattern, in BT4. Weave the same small shape on your loom. Notice if you are getting that 'perfect' circle, or if your tension of weft and warp need to be adjusted, for future pattern creating. I'd love to hear any feed back!


  1. Thanks for the explanation. I am going to give it a try. My BT4 skills are very basic and some of what happens has frustrated me. Your teaching is great. Go Ravens!

  2. I am so glad to heR I may have helped you with a portion of that program. I'll think about more things to share, in case those too would help. Thanks for your thoughts!

  3. Thanks for guidance. I too have at times become frustrated using BT4, but once I realise how to do something I realise how logical it is, and the problem is me! Off to try a perfect circle!!

  4. This is really helpful! I too will try circles for sure. I'm new at looming and need lots of help.
