Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Last call for my next class
at Bead Soup,
in Savage Mills Maryland!

Kathy, owner of "Bead Soup", may want to 'take me to the shed', for this post :D .

It seems my classes, April 20th 11-4:00 and April 27th 11-4:00, 2013, are filled. However, I am itching to bust the walls apart, with more looms and students!! lol Therefore, Kathy did agree to expand the class a bit more. Not sure if any further seats are reserved, but if you would like to own a great loom, custom designed by me, and learn some loom skills, by creating one of the two cuffs above, then call the shop.

All, of my classes, are not graded, for levels of knowledge, with a loom. I prefer to teach a 'technique' not just a 'pattern'. Please feel free to call and join in!


  1. Gorgeous bracelets!

  2. Thank you! I can't wait to see which one the students select to weave! I'll have a take a picture of them all, when we are done our second class!

  3. If it wasn't nearly clear across the country I would so love to go to one of your classes. Now I'm just waiting for your book. Your looming is inspired and magnificent as well was beautiful.


  4. Hi CryssT! I am in the process of discussing more classes, more often. I think, much better than a book. My techniques seem to evolve with each new piece. My book, or any book, could never keep up. I hope we can meet one day! Lets keep in touch to see if something can't be worked out.

  5. If only I lived closer! Those bracelets are so gorgeous ;)

  6. Awww, thank you Lisa! I would love to work on a way to get my classes more available to anyone. Maybe more classes, may be the trick? Something can be planned easier?

  7. I, like a few others, wish your classes weren't so far away.
    MN has a FANTASTIC bead society, The Upper Midwest Bead Society, and they are known to have first class visiting teaching lectures.
    Hope to see you here. Let me know if there is anything I can do to facilitate.
    Ruth Bernstein
