Monday, September 2, 2013

Starting my "Drackie Lips" Cuff!

I haven't shared may 'works in progress', on my Blog, so I thought I would offer some stage shots, of my next cuff. I have created some new Halloween Patterns, for the loom. BEAD SOUP is so kind to sell them, but only a few are listed, on their website, right now. You may also see the patterns I offer, for sale, on my FaceBook Page. If you want, contact the store, for details, to purchase.

So, other then the new patterns offered, for sale, I decided to work one of them up, myself. I call this cuff, "Drackie Lips". Yes, this is a small clip, of what I am planning to create (Bwaaaaaa), but I want to share, in stages. There are some new loom tricks I'll be attempting, on this cuff, and want to share as I go!

I would also like to take this time to offer something being shared on FB,
"We Support Designers".

This logo will be added to my Blog and Website.
Consider joining in and posting it where you advertise.

This actually comes on the heels, of a most recent note. I was asked permission, by a Beader, to charge, for a class, at a bead store, in another state, using my tips and offerings, from my Blog. My first thought was to support sharing my 'love of the loom', but it quickly turned to a negative reply. What I offer, here on my Blog, is free and with the best, of intensions. The reaction I received, after saying I won't give such permission, was even more astounding. The return note included, "... This one time I saw your blog and was so inspired and eager to share what I saw that I asked your permission.... I won't ever ask another beader ever again, I promise." Again, wrong! It is important to ask permission, or I can only feel they wouldn't ask, but still proceed charging, for classes, with knowledge you received free, from those who created the methods (?)

The only other blatant attempt, to teach methods I hold dear, was from a Beader who signed up, for one of my classes, but also "pre-advertised", about a class she will be teaching, to include my methods of "weaving on a loom", at another local bead store. My thoughts are, this Beader told the store she was versed, in this form of beading, thinking the store had no idea, of her credentials. Please, shop owners, realize there are many Designers who would be best suited to teach what they created and learned on their own.

I believe every bead Store, Beader and Designer should embrace this logo and adhere to the ideals behind it!


  1. Now this is going to be a great journey to follow, I have my popcorn and coke and watching with interest!

  2. I wish you could pass me, some of your popcorn!

  3. You picked beautiful beads to use for bracelet, and your color combinations are very attractive and so pretty!
    Oakland bead store

  4. Thank you so much! I'll be sharing the completed cuff, sharing my design thought process soon!
