Friday, November 8, 2013

Santa Clause is coming to town!

This is the cuff, I will be teaching at Bead Soup, December 7th, 11:00-5:00. It is a one day offering, to those who took multiple classes, with me, over the past year. If you are familiar, with my finishing methods, and know you an attach the clasp of your choice, please call the store to reserve a seat: 240-456-4568.

I scheduled this class, for a one day only, so we can share more in depth techniques. The day will be spent learning how to weave in sections and add extensions as we go, then to utilize a second loom, for all the added extras! We will talk about edging options, multiple warp management methds and utilizing more than just beads. I will also have this pattern in other finishes and cultures, to select. It has been a wonderful year, of sharing the love, of a loom. This class will be the highlight.

In January 2014, I will begin teaching 'Beginner' classes again, still mixing in some more advanced classes too. So if you want to learn, from the beginning, please call the store to reserve your seat. We already have half the class filled. These two days of class will be held on Saturday January 18th, then finishing up on January 25th. Both days will extend from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Of course, I won't let you off so will have homework to complete :D

Now is a good time to also mention a February class scheduled too! This class will be a 'Mystery Weave Class'. In other words, every student will be handed a color way choice and only a word chart. They will weave, from the chart, watching one, of my patterns, come to life. I think half the fun, of weaving on a loom, is seeing the pattern pop up, on the warps. February's class will offer the same excitement, only magnified! The second part of this class, will also be a mystery finishing idea. I'll be writing more, about this, in the next few months.

Thank you again, to all of the students and to Bead Soup, for a wonderful Loomie Year!


  1. Hello Erin,
    What an amazing cuff. And I love the idea of a 'mystery pattern' only to use the word chart.


    1. Hi Stephanie!! Thank you.

      I bet you would be fun in such a class. I also think some of your patterns would be a huge hit! I love them.

  2. I hope the class goes really well Erin and everyone really enjoys still very jealous of all your students don't you fancy coming to old blighty to do some titian to us poor brits lol xxx

    1. I am ready!!!!! I have such a visit, to your country, on my bucket list. Right now, I can seem to work out the fees being the same I get here. I was surprised to find how much less such classes cost over there. Maybe one day, even if I could arrange multiple classes to Raquel what I do here!

  3. Do you sell your patterns for your Christmas bracelets? I really like them and I'm a Santa collector. This is the first time I've seen this site and I'm interested in more.

  4. This is actually a kit for class. I just taught a class, last November, in Texas, where this was a class cuff option.

  5. This is actually a kit for class. I just taught a class, last November, in Texas, where this was a class cuff option.
