I am not making two sides, for this case, but weaving the length to create both sides. This is just another way to handle the base of any enclosed loom woven case, purse, or bag.
There are four rows set aside to handle the base or fold over. The sides will also be zipped with the proper number of beads to match the base/fold over.
Esto es una maravilla, me voy a cambiar de técnica, voy a ir a telares, esto es divino....
ReplyDeleteLucy, estoy tan feliz de que están siguiendo mi blog! Este es un método maravilloso de cordón tejido. Tengo la esperanza de mostrar a otros lo maravilloso que sería para empezar a añadir esto a sus diseños abalorios. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en preguntar!
ReplyDeleteLucy, I am so happy you are following my Blog! This is a wonderful method of bead weaving. I am hoping to show others how wonderful it would be to start adding this to your beading designs. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Beautiful work, you are incredible!