I'll be showing/selling at an Art Festival this weekend, Oct 2 & Oct 3, The Fells Point Festival in Baltimore Maryland. It is my favorite festival of all and the only festival I choose to show/sell my work, looming and hand woven beading.
Here are just a few of the types of earrings I have been making for this weekend.

I really prefer to loom, but earrings are a bit more tedious to loom, so I hand weave my earrings. Monday, I'll be getting back to my home base of looming. I'll be starting a new cell phone bag, one that is very colorful. This will be a photograph taken by a beading friend, Jean Upton. She takes wonderful wild life pictures. One in particular caught my eye, so I'll be starting that one first.
December 15, 2010 is the deadline for submissions to the IBA contest. They have a specific 'bead looming' catagory, so I am also submitting something for this special event. I'll be sharing what I am looming as I go, so you will notice tons of looming going on, starting Monday! I can't wait!!