I am very excited to receive these three pages, which will be published in the December/January Issue of 'Beading Polska Magazine'!
This entire year has been a 'bead loom whirlwind'. Started off teaching, at Bead Soup, last February. Eight fun filled, loomalisious, beadawesome classes completed, along with many new Loomatic Friends! Thrown in were a few published patterns. Now, I'm ending the year on another positive and a new venue for spreading the 'loom love'.
The cover article, being published in 'Beading Polska Magazine', December/January 2013. This is the Lotus Split Loom Necklace, woven on the loom, using my ©Weighted Warp Method, of weaving beads.
Page 2, of the article in 'Beading Polska Magazine'. The top picture is one of my Finger Rings, hand woven, not created on as loom. The editor just didn't want to publish without this being included, even though I mentioned it was had woven. The center picture is a three dimensional cuff of 'Forget Me Nots'. This pattern is actually sold at Bead Soup in Savage Mills Maryland. The last photograph is a 'Smocked Cuff', woven on the loom.
The third and final page, of this article, in 'Beading Polska Magazine', offers three pictures, two of which were classes taught this past year, at Bead Soup. The first cuff is a Santa Claus Cuff with a List that is so long, it wraps three times around the wrist, along with the cuff! Secondly, a multiple use of various style beads, all bouncing individually, along the warps. Finally, a smocked amulet bag, which was the focus, of my class, this past August 2013.
Thank you, to 'Beading Polska', for highlighting my art. But most of all, realizing the need, to introduce the loom, on new levels. YEAH!!!!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
A Gingerbread Man Cuff that cries, "Bite me"!
Recently, I sent a pattern to BEAD SOUP, the store I teach "Weaving on a Loom", for sale. After sending it, I decided to make one myself. Here is the original pattern:
As you can see, from the first picture above, I have made some design changes. Removing the upper red background, then forming the upper edge, in the figure of the Gingerbread Man. I is a great way to force a design to stand out, in it's entirety, without having to widen the cuff. Second, I changed the colors offered, in the original pattern, to a more realistic variation, of a cookie. The pattern itself selects three hues of gold Delica 11/0 beads, which is also scrumptious. Finally, I am weaving with 11/0 metallic gold lined opal Japanese glass beads, recreating the 3D impression of "icing". This effect truly offers a new and different aspect, to many ideas and designs.
With so much more to complete and many other accents waiting to be added, this could become a Gingerbread Man you might just want to 'Bite'!! :D I'll share more later.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Santa has options!
In my last blog post, below, I shared the Class Cuff, for my class at BEAD SOUP, on December 7. This is the second option I am offering the students, with the first being the cuff in my last blog post, below.
They will be able to select the type of clasp they prefer, the findings, of silver or gold, adding a longer list or not, including a more festive edging and a skin tone option.
My next cuff will have a 'Snowman' theme! I can't wait to create a cute pattern, which is going to be my January class, 18th and 25th. Call Bead Soup to make your reservation or I'll be posting more, on this class, later :D
Friday, November 8, 2013
Santa Clause is coming to town!
This is the cuff, I will be teaching at Bead Soup, December 7th, 11:00-5:00. It is a one day offering, to those who took multiple classes, with me, over the past year. If you are familiar, with my finishing methods, and know you an attach the clasp of your choice, please call the store to reserve a seat: 240-456-4568.
I scheduled this class, for a one day only, so we can share more in depth techniques. The day will be spent learning how to weave in sections and add extensions as we go, then to utilize a second loom, for all the added extras! We will talk about edging options, multiple warp management methds and utilizing more than just beads. I will also have this pattern in other finishes and cultures, to select. It has been a wonderful year, of sharing the love, of a loom. This class will be the highlight.
In January 2014, I will begin teaching 'Beginner' classes again, still mixing in some more advanced classes too. So if you want to learn, from the beginning, please call the store to reserve your seat. We already have half the class filled. These two days of class will be held on Saturday January 18th, then finishing up on January 25th. Both days will extend from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Of course, I won't let you off so easy...you will have homework to complete :D
Now is a good time to also mention a February class scheduled too! This class will be a 'Mystery Weave Class'. In other words, every student will be handed a color way choice and only a word chart. They will weave, from the chart, watching one, of my patterns, come to life. I think half the fun, of weaving on a loom, is seeing the pattern pop up, on the warps. February's class will offer the same excitement, only magnified! The second part of this class, will also be a mystery finishing idea. I'll be writing more, about this, in the next few months.
Thank you again, to all of the students and to Bead Soup, for a wonderful Loomie Year!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
A Trimmed Tree Cuff!
I really enjoyed decorating this Christmas Tree Cuff! It all started with an idea to make a tree, extending over the edges of the loom woven cuff. What I ended up doing, was adding layer, after layer, of tree branches!
Then I added the Christmas Baubles, using 6/0, 8/0 and 11/0 silver lined glass beads.
Next came the 12mm Crystal Topaz Swarovski Chrystal Star and some strung popcorn. The popcorn is 11/0, 15/0, 13/0 charlottes and 22/0 glass beads, in colors of off white and brown.
Candy Canes were a must, so these were made out of poly clay.
The tree stands out, within the silver metallic background, but the edgings of crystals, top and bottom, really add some sparkle. The Star is a Swarovski Crystal too!
The width of this cuff, demanded a double clasp, which I find to be perfect.
Every tree has to have presents underneath, so I decided on this custom made ceramic beads. Adding to the look of a cuff, I strung them with sterling silver findings.
Finally, the cuff actually gives off a pine scent! I secured a webbing of organza, as a pocket in the back. I have pine scent sticks to slip inside and really get the feel of a fresh cut Christmas Tree!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Trimmed the Cuff, of a Tree Cuff!
Now, I am truly ready to "trim" the tree, itself!
The edges, of the cuff, are now lined with crystals. The top line are 'black diamonds', which offer a nice color, against the Silver metallic background. I considered 'crystal' crystals, but they played to light, to me.
Light Siam Red, edge the lower portion. Notice how they even shine through the base off the tree. I had to wear sunglasses, while weaving, lol. Below the large crystals is a 'swag' of silver lined 11/0 seed beads.
Next, come the balls, or baubles. Does the same size ball hang all over the tree? Or, do larger balls get placed in the lower portion, with smaller sized balls, at the time. My Husband and I have talked about this, every time we trimmed a tree together. What are you thoughts?
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Trimming a Loom Woven Tree Cuff!
Getting into the season, early, seems to be second nature. I'll be teaching another class, on December 7th, 2013, at Bead Soup. The cuff class is called, "He's Checking It Twice", a variation of a cuff I made recently. I'll share this cuff soon.
While working out some of the design ideas, for the December class cuff, I came across another pattern, I made almost three years ago. I'll be trimming this cuff, with tree like baubles! I am having some fun here! My mind is racing, with trimming ideas, but there is one I can't wait to share....later :D In the meantime, take a second look, at your Holiday bead patterns. Maybe there are ways to kick it up and create, on a fun level, never considered before.
For now, I am finalizing the class cuff, and will send out further information, on the class, soon.
While working out some of the design ideas, for the December class cuff, I came across another pattern, I made almost three years ago. I'll be trimming this cuff, with tree like baubles! I am having some fun here! My mind is racing, with trimming ideas, but there is one I can't wait to share....later :D In the meantime, take a second look, at your Holiday bead patterns. Maybe there are ways to kick it up and create, on a fun level, never considered before.
For now, I am finalizing the class cuff, and will send out further information, on the class, soon.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
A trial on creating a RAW edge
On September 11, my Blog post included my method of 'correcting a row of beads', while still on the loom. I have also stretched my limits, by completing a decorative bead edge, using the RAW (Right Angle Weave) stitch, with small pearls. I can only imagine how such a stitch could develop, with out the loom holding the base!
The double clasps, allowed me to meet the width I designed. I also used some Gilder's Paste to add a matching color, over top, of the silver metal. Being woven, with 11/0 Japanese Seed Beads, also added to the 'feel', of this design. Sadly, this photo does not offer the 'glint', of 'one cut' metallic silver beads, or the 'silver lined rainbow' beads. In person, they define the matt finish design superbly.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Looms and Bead Pattern Programs?
It's that time, of year again.
I think November should continue as "Bead Loom Month"!
Begin your journey, into weaving beads on a loom. Winter is the perfect time.
Classes, beginner and advanced, will also be scheduled, in the months following.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Weaving Fall Cuffs!
Part One, of the Fall Cuff Class, I am teaching, at BEAD SOUP, is over. This Saturday, Part Two.
These classes are great because there is a fine mix, of New Weavers and those who have been taking two or more, of my classes. I also offer a selection of patterns. This adds to the learning curve. When I instruct one or the other, the Students are able to learn twice as many techniques.
These are the cuffs, the Students were able to choose. Only 15 of each were available. After class, I handed out the Syllabus outlining what is to be completed, prior to the second meeting.
It is so much fun, watching everyone pile in, for day two, with smiles, on their faces, and gorgeous cuffs waiting to be released from the loom! I'll share more pictures, after Saturday.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
REPAIR: Replacing beads, within a loom woven row.
Below. you can see the bracelet, in the upper right corner, my loom warped, the bead cups of colors and in the center, a picture of the pattern I will weave.
Feeling comfortable, with a loom on my lap, I happily wove, row after row after row. It wasn't until I completed a good number, before I stood back to have a perspective. I. Miss. Read. The. Pattern....far enough, from either end, to warrant a fast repair! The gold beads, pointed out in the picture below, are actually supposed to have been dark green. Of course, one of my options were to pull out all the rows, prior or following the incorrect line. I decided to use this time to share how you can repair a line of beads, far within your bead loom weaving. I also use the following method, to replace cracked beads, wrong colors, broken wefts, etc. on present weavings and beading I've had in use, for years.
If using a ©Single Weft Method, (a standard set up for weaving beads, on a loom), both end warps will have a weft wrapped differently. This is because the weft is brought, back and forth, for different reasons. Shown below, is a close up of one side, showing how the weft wraps, for the return, back through the new row, of beads.
The photograph below, shows the opposite side, of the same row, when the weft advances to the next row needing to be added.
You can see a noticeable difference in the way the weft wraps, around the end warps. Depending if you are weaving right handed, or left handed, these end wefts will wrap accordingly, on their corresponding sides.
When using the ©Two Weft Method, of weaving rows of beads, both end warps will have the diagonal slant, to the weft, for advancing both wefts, in the same manner. This method suggests you thread a needle, on to both ends, of a weft, 'loading beads on one needle', then 'returning, through the same beads, with the other needle'. Thus making both end warps identical. This is the best way to create the popular "wrap bracelets", with both wefts falling identical the total length, of the bracelet.
The most efficient way to remove a row of beads, with in a large loom woven piece, is to insert a needle, into the 'slanted' weft. The slant will allow a better space, to insert a needle, grabbing "just" the weft and not the warp, as well.
Once the weft is lifted, off the end warp, with the needle, use a nail clipper to simply cut the weft, close to the needle. Be careful not to grab the end warp too.
Turn to the opposite side of the weaving, and slip your needle inside the 'wrapped' weft, with a gentle pull. This loosens, the weft, and can be completely pulled free, of the weaving. The beads should fall, from that row.
Step up or down, pulling the end weft, to release an additional row. You goal is to create a long enough weft, so it can be comfortably threaded into a needle, for reweaving back, into the beading. Be sure to make note, of the pattern lines, you are removing, so you can pick up the pattern and replace the bead color order correctly.
My favorite size needle to weave, is a #10 English needle, appx. 2 inches long. When you need to reweave short lengths of weft, back through the rows, you should thread a small needle. I have one inch, #10 needles on hand, for this purpose.
Once the short wefts are rewoven, you will add a new longer length of weft, to replace the rows you just removed.
Now I will continue with my pattern, and share more later!
Feeling comfortable, with a loom on my lap, I happily wove, row after row after row. It wasn't until I completed a good number, before I stood back to have a perspective. I. Miss. Read. The. Pattern....far enough, from either end, to warrant a fast repair! The gold beads, pointed out in the picture below, are actually supposed to have been dark green. Of course, one of my options were to pull out all the rows, prior or following the incorrect line. I decided to use this time to share how you can repair a line of beads, far within your bead loom weaving. I also use the following method, to replace cracked beads, wrong colors, broken wefts, etc. on present weavings and beading I've had in use, for years.
If using a ©Single Weft Method, (a standard set up for weaving beads, on a loom), both end warps will have a weft wrapped differently. This is because the weft is brought, back and forth, for different reasons. Shown below, is a close up of one side, showing how the weft wraps, for the return, back through the new row, of beads.
The photograph below, shows the opposite side, of the same row, when the weft advances to the next row needing to be added.
You can see a noticeable difference in the way the weft wraps, around the end warps. Depending if you are weaving right handed, or left handed, these end wefts will wrap accordingly, on their corresponding sides.
When using the ©Two Weft Method, of weaving rows of beads, both end warps will have the diagonal slant, to the weft, for advancing both wefts, in the same manner. This method suggests you thread a needle, on to both ends, of a weft, 'loading beads on one needle', then 'returning, through the same beads, with the other needle'. Thus making both end warps identical. This is the best way to create the popular "wrap bracelets", with both wefts falling identical the total length, of the bracelet.
The most efficient way to remove a row of beads, with in a large loom woven piece, is to insert a needle, into the 'slanted' weft. The slant will allow a better space, to insert a needle, grabbing "just" the weft and not the warp, as well.
Once the weft is lifted, off the end warp, with the needle, use a nail clipper to simply cut the weft, close to the needle. Be careful not to grab the end warp too.
Turn to the opposite side of the weaving, and slip your needle inside the 'wrapped' weft, with a gentle pull. This loosens, the weft, and can be completely pulled free, of the weaving. The beads should fall, from that row.
Step up or down, pulling the end weft, to release an additional row. You goal is to create a long enough weft, so it can be comfortably threaded into a needle, for reweaving back, into the beading. Be sure to make note, of the pattern lines, you are removing, so you can pick up the pattern and replace the bead color order correctly.
My favorite size needle to weave, is a #10 English needle, appx. 2 inches long. When you need to reweave short lengths of weft, back through the rows, you should thread a small needle. I have one inch, #10 needles on hand, for this purpose.
Once the short wefts are rewoven, you will add a new longer length of weft, to replace the rows you just removed.
Now I will continue with my pattern, and share more later!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Starting my "Drackie Lips" Cuff!
I haven't shared may 'works in progress', on my Blog, so I thought I would offer some stage shots, of my next cuff. I have created some new Halloween Patterns, for the loom. BEAD SOUP is so kind to sell them, but only a few are listed, on their website, right now. You may also see the patterns I offer, for sale, on my FaceBook Page. If you want, contact the store, for details, to purchase.
So, other then the new patterns offered, for sale, I decided to work one of them up, myself. I call this cuff, "Drackie Lips". Yes, this is a small clip, of what I am planning to create (Bwaaaaaa), but I want to share, in stages. There are some new loom tricks I'll be attempting, on this cuff, and want to share as I go!
I would also like to take this time to offer something being shared on FB,
"We Support Designers".
This logo will be added to my Blog and Website.
Consider joining in and posting it where you advertise.
This actually comes on the heels, of a most recent note. I was asked permission, by a Beader, to charge, for a class, at a bead store, in another state, using my tips and offerings, from my Blog. My first thought was to support sharing my 'love of the loom', but it quickly turned to a negative reply. What I offer, here on my Blog, is free and with the best, of intensions. The reaction I received, after saying I won't give such permission, was even more astounding. The return note included, "... This one time I saw your blog and was so inspired and eager to share what I saw that I asked your permission.... I won't ever ask another beader ever again, I promise." Again, wrong! It is important to ask permission, or I can only feel they wouldn't ask, but still proceed charging, for classes, with knowledge you received free, from those who created the methods (?)
The only other blatant attempt, to teach methods I hold dear, was from a Beader who signed up, for one of my classes, but also "pre-advertised", about a class she will be teaching, to include my methods of "weaving on a loom", at another local bead store. My thoughts are, this Beader told the store she was versed, in this form of beading, thinking the store had no idea, of her credentials. Please, shop owners, realize there are many Designers who would be best suited to teach what they created and learned on their own.
I believe every bead Store, Beader and Designer should embrace this logo and adhere to the ideals behind it!
So, other then the new patterns offered, for sale, I decided to work one of them up, myself. I call this cuff, "Drackie Lips". Yes, this is a small clip, of what I am planning to create (Bwaaaaaa), but I want to share, in stages. There are some new loom tricks I'll be attempting, on this cuff, and want to share as I go!
"We Support Designers".
Consider joining in and posting it where you advertise.
This actually comes on the heels, of a most recent note. I was asked permission, by a Beader, to charge, for a class, at a bead store, in another state, using my tips and offerings, from my Blog. My first thought was to support sharing my 'love of the loom', but it quickly turned to a negative reply. What I offer, here on my Blog, is free and with the best, of intensions. The reaction I received, after saying I won't give such permission, was even more astounding. The return note included, "... This one time I saw your blog and was so inspired and eager to share what I saw that I asked your permission.... I won't ever ask another beader ever again, I promise." Again, wrong! It is important to ask permission, or I can only feel they wouldn't ask, but still proceed charging, for classes, with knowledge you received free, from those who created the methods (?)
The only other blatant attempt, to teach methods I hold dear, was from a Beader who signed up, for one of my classes, but also "pre-advertised", about a class she will be teaching, to include my methods of "weaving on a loom", at another local bead store. My thoughts are, this Beader told the store she was versed, in this form of beading, thinking the store had no idea, of her credentials. Please, shop owners, realize there are many Designers who would be best suited to teach what they created and learned on their own.
I believe every bead Store, Beader and Designer should embrace this logo and adhere to the ideals behind it!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Consider Fall-ing into BEAD SOUP....
...of Savage Mills Maryland, for my next class, Sept 28 & Oct 5th.
"A Pumpkin Patch"...with a little visitor.
"Leafing Through Beads"
I am offering a choice, between two of my latest cuff designs, both with a FALL Theme!
"A Pumpkin Patch"...with a little visitor.
"Leafing Through Beads"
I am offering a choice, between two of my latest cuff designs, both with a FALL Theme!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Loom Woven Cuff doubling as a 'Wrap Bracelet'
I completed the cuff, recently shared here. The 'list' is a 'wrap' style bracelet, woven to over 21 inches. It can be wrapped around the wrist, three times, or twice around the wrist and once between the thumb, before being secured to the toggle. To allow for the space of wrapping the 'List', I made the cuff base longer to fit on the upper wrist. The 'bunched' portion, of the List, set close to the cuff base, is secured. I was considering 'bunching' more of the list, but the small section works out best.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Santa Is "Checking it Twice", on the Loom.
As a follow up to what I have been weaving lately, a further picture of the Santa cuff.
I decided to hang some Christmas Balls, on Rudolph's antlers. These are not "round" crystals, but "FLAT round" Crystals. I considered these because they would lay better than a round crystal.
One more accent to complete and add, then on to my Fall Holiday cuffs!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Weaving an Irregular Edge, on the Loom
I have talked about his before, under the tags of ©Weighted Warp Method. However, I have also devised very advantageous way, of creating the same irregular edge. Here is a picture of what I am working on right now. The inset also shares a picture of a loom I had built. This is a ©Tri-Warp Loom.

My past patterns included an extended pattern by hand weaving it, along the edge. Now I prefer to include the extension, while I weave. This was also accomplished on my recent cuff, 'The Baltimore Oriole Baseball' cuff.
You can see, in the picture above, how I am starting to accent this cuff. One way was to add a 3D 'list', in Santa's hand. Much more to complete, so I will share later!

My past patterns included an extended pattern by hand weaving it, along the edge. Now I prefer to include the extension, while I weave. This was also accomplished on my recent cuff, 'The Baltimore Oriole Baseball' cuff.
You can see, in the picture above, how I am starting to accent this cuff. One way was to add a 3D 'list', in Santa's hand. Much more to complete, so I will share later!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Bead Loom Smocking, a smoking Amulet Bag!
Next up, for me, a class at BEAD SOUP, in Savage Mills Maryland. I'll be offering the technique I use to 'smock' beads, after being woven, on a loom.
You will notice only one side is designed to offer a smocking. The other can be worn just as well, without. There are four simple steps to complete this amulet. One step, adding the fringe, will be a special lesson in itself!
Would love to see many beaders, that day. August 10 & 11, 2013. Call the store for reservations!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Oriole Baseball Cuff & Baseball Bracelet!
Finally completed, clasps attached.
In my stash, I found some ceramic baseballs. Originally, I thought they would be great to add as a fringe, but then decided to make a separate bracelet to match. Worn together, they finish a perfect look!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
"Out of the Park"!
So many tell me, when they see a newly completed cuff, "You hit this one out of the park!" This time, I really did...Oriole Baseball, park that is!
This edging seems to be my favorite, lately. I also did similar on the "Weaving Along the Warps", cuff I post not too long ago. This time, I used some sterling bead caps, to hold the black obsidian 4mm beads.
After I add the clasp, I'll take photos of the finish cuff, for my Gallery and Website. I'm behind starting a new piece, for the upcoming August class, so I get started on that tonight!
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