The reason I decided on this pattern was it shows a 'slight indent'. I didn't want to proceed with a pattern offering too deep of an 'indent'. This type of indent was going to be manageable with the new warp set up. I have done indents with many more rows, but won't get into it's properties just yet. Even with only a 'four warp' indent, there are minor points that need to be kept in mind. For instance, keep the outside bead, in each indent row, very loose, until you are ready to add it to the needle. These fine points are really for my book!
Let me also show you how the 'weighted warps' have moved.

When this original design idea was shown to Claudia Chase, owner and designer of the 'Mirrix Loom', she suggested an idea not shown here. She thought I might want to consider the 'bobbins' used in Kumi Looming. This way the warps would be wrapped around the bobbin and unwound when more length is needed. I own some of the bobbins, and considered that, but the weight of them was not enough to keep the warps taught for the looming. If the warps are light, they almost get 'dragged' inside of the last bead of an indent row. However, her idea truly has merit, because you can see in the picture above the right weighted warp is much higher and used more often then any of the others, in this particular pattern. What I plan to do to correct this unbalance is to 'twist' out the longer weighted warp for the 'shorter weighted warp', next time I am the furthest indented. I will also have to adjust my 'center spring' to accommodate this swap.
This is only about 3 inches long, so I have another three inches before the looming is completed. The final stages, of finishing this cuff, will be included in another venue! I will, however, show more of this looming before I get to that point!
It's really looking amazing, Erin. Just makes me think 'Rapunzel'! What a great design :)
ReplyDeleteLOL, thanks Ness! Tell you Mom I want her to know I will be helping her bead loom!
ReplyDeleteErin, I use the E-Z Bobs for kumihimo. I imagine you could add weights to them easily - drop washers onto a shower curtain hook (the old-fashioned metal kind that's shaped like a keyhole), clip shower curtain hook through bobbin. Totally adjustable, just not very pretty.
ReplyDeleteHi JoanI purchased some of those bobbins last year when I wanted to learn more about Kumi. I didn't find the time however. Your idea sounds like a good one! I' ll pull them out, along with those types of hooks and let you know! My next project on the loom will 'require' something like a bobbin! I'll share more specifics soon! Please"stay tuned", lol! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJoan, I pulled out those Kumi bobbins! You're right! Add the weights through the middle with curtain hooks! Wonderful! Thanks again!